COVID Update 2022
Greenhaus Studio proudly supports the wellbeing of our clients, the planet, and the creatures we share it with.
During this time of COVID-19, we are using a layered approach to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission, specifically wearing masks, physical distancing, hygiene, vaccination, and air ventilation.
In addition to the high standards of hygiene already practiced, updating our COVID Safety Plan and following the government regulations we are doing our part to protect the health and safety of clients and staff during this time, such as
- Ensuring hand sanitiser is provided for all clients and staff at our entrance, reception desk and staff areas.
- Ensuring clients check-in using the SafeWA / Service WA app and apply hand sanitiser prior to entering the treatment rooms.
- Ensuring therapists thoroughly wash hands pre, during and post treatment.
- Being vigilant with hygiene standards ensuring all surfaces such as benches, floors, shelves, and products are cleaned with a hospital-grade disinfectant regularly during the day and between clients.
- Ensuring all towels are laundered according to guidelines and fresh for each client, per our existing procedures.
- Following an end of day checklist to ensure all areas have been cleaned and sanitised.
- Ensuring social distancing requirements are adhered to and limiting the number of people in spa to 18 in total at any one time.
- Protective face masks are worn by therapists, per government guidelines.
- Requesting contactless payment transactions where possible.
- We require that unwell clients, reschedule their treatment.
- Improving ventilation in line with the Centres for Disease Protection & Control recommendations including the use of air conditioning, increasing outdoor air flow through opening front and back doors as often as possible and scheduling the installation of a high-grade air purifier in our air-conditioning unit.
- While our staff are vaccinated, we are following the government regulations and do not currently require clients to show proof of vaccination.
- Ongoing staff training and education is provided, specifically completion of The Basics of Infection Prevention & Control as provided by the Australian Commission of Safety & Quality in Health Care